about young flo

Young Ficci Ladies Organisation (YFLO) is a unique platform for young women from diverse professional and entrepreneurial backgrounds to interact with each other, learn, explore new avenues and launch their ideas in a supportive and nurturing environment. Young FLO (YFLO) was launched on April 28th, 2004 by Ms Durga Jasraj, with Ms Shallu Jindal as the Founder Chairperson, Delhi. The membership is open for women aged 20-39 years. YFLO Chapters are in Delhi, Hyderabad & Kolkata.

The primary objective of YFLO is to promote entrepreneurship and professional excellence in women. It acts as a catalyst for the social and economic advancement of women and society at large and endeavors to make women aware of their strengths through its educational and vocational training programmes, talks, seminars, panel discussions and workshops on a vast range of subjects especially concerning women and business.

YFLO has come a long way since its inception, and its efforts towards women empowerment have been remarkable. With its specialized programmes depicting the power of a Young India, YFLO compliments FLO in its vision of women empowerment.

yflo chapters

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