We all can be the Game changers, Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique …… incomparable…….. you are you…….I am I…. Abha Maryada...
View EventAfter the successful completion of Empowerment Run conducted by FLO Mumbai Chapter, as an extension to the Empowerment Run participated in the Sports Day of Municipal schools of Dharavi. It was...
View EventInteraction with Tanmay Bakshi World’s Youngest IBM Watson programmer In Conversation with Gadget Guru, Rajiv Makhni
Ficci Ladies Organisation (FLO) organised a very interesting session with Tanmay Bakshi, World’s Youngest IBM... View EventFICCI Ladies Organization Jaipur Chapter organized a magical performance on "Dance of Love : Crescendos of Rumi & Shiva by Zia Nath & Sanatan Chakravarty. It was a mesmerizing performance...
View EventFICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) released a Women Artisans Craft Directory in an event titled "Celebrate Creativity" on December 19, 2017 at FICCI, New Delhi. This Directory covers the 29 states...
View EventFICCI-FLO Hyderabad Chapter had an interactive session with Mr. Rahul Bajaj (Advocate & Rhodes Scholar) & Ms. Ritika Sahni (Founder- NGO Trinayani) on “The only Disability in Life is a...
View EventFLO Mumbai Chapter had organized a Marathon (emPOWERment Run) on 10th December 2017 at Bandra Fort. The purpose of the RUN was to gather funds for various initiatives of FLO:
It happens to all of us many a times that No Matter how long or how hard we research & shop for an item, it will be on a discount...
View EventFLO Ludhiana started with "Joy of giving week" with EK Noor- Neki ki Dukaan. This is a novel concept of give, take and share with dignity, where donations of all...
View EventFICCI Ladies Organisation organized a walk through the Good Earth Factory at Ballabgarh, Faridabad on December 5, 2017. Established in 1996 with its first boutique at Kemps Corner, Mumbai, Good Earth...
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