FICCI FLO, under its S.H.I.N.E initiative (Sustainable Habits Initiating New Era), organized an enlightening session on ‘Minimalism – Simplify to Amplify.’ This event, part of the FLO Policy Initiative’s Environment vertical, aimed to raise awareness about mindful consumption and sustainable living.
Minimalism, a philosophy advocating simplicity and intentional living, offers a pathway to reducing stress and enhancing well-being. The session highlighted how embracing minimalism can lead to a more fulfilling life while contributing to sustainability.
Renowned speakers Ms. Gayatri Gandhi and Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki shared valuable insights on decluttering physical and mental spaces, mindful consumption, and the impact of minimalism on personal well-being and the environment. They emphasized the power of releasing excess to create value in others’ lives and how gratitude and simplicity foster joy.
The session was an engaging and thought-provoking dialogue, inspiring attendees to adopt minimalism in their daily lives. As FLO continues to champion sustainable habits, this event reinforced the importance of conscious living, proving that less can indeed lead to more meaningful and enriched experiences.