FLO Chennai, under the leadership of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek and VTC Chairperson Ms. Nabila Avais, organized a certificate distribution ceremony at the Vocational Training Center (VTC) and 61 attendees joined. This initiative marked the successful completion of 6-month diploma courses aimed at empowering young women with vocational skills and enhancing their employability.
The courses offered included Fashion Designing and Garment Making, completed by 22 students from Std 11, and Home Nursing and Geriatric Care, completed by 39 students from Std 9. These courses were designed to provide practical skills and career-oriented training, enabling the participants to step confidently into professional domains.
Unit heads and Anjuman members applauded the students for their dedication and perseverance. The dignitaries also commended the efforts of FLO Chennai and the VTC team for creating impactful learning opportunities for young women.