FLO Bangalore Chapter


Vocational Skills Training

FLO Bangalore organized a 4-month Livelihood Program at Vidya titled Vocational Skills Training. Under the Social Initiative Skilling, the program aimed to empower women through vocational skills training. 15 women joined this training.

This program offered training sessions for saree draping, nail art, foot reflexology, soap making, hair spa, homemade face packs, and scrubs for different skin types. The intensive hands-on program also equipped them with basic communicative English, life skills, smartphone usage for business purposes, entrepreneurship training, and financial literacy.

The world-renowned Shahnaz Hussain’s Bridges School conducted and certified the beautician course. Special thanks to FLO members Sowmya Hosmane and Medisales for curating this opportunity.

Several women have benefited from this program. Some have secured jobs in salons and home beauty services, and those with an entrepreneurial bent have even set up salons.
