During an event in Bengaluru, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman virtually inaugurated five Nari Shakti branches of the Union Bank of India, including one in Anna Nagar, Chennai. 32 people attended along with Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek, representing the organization at the inauguration ceremony of the branch in Chennai. These branches aim to empower women entrepreneurs and create financial inclusion for women across India.
The Finance Minister called upon the bank to adopt technology-driven, cluster-based schemes that cater to the specific needs of women entrepreneurs. The initiative represents a significant step towards enhancing financial access for women, with branches launched in Bengaluru, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Jaipur, and other key locations. These branches will provide financial assistance and focus on capacity building through advisory services, workshops on start-ups, skill development programs, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
This initiative is designed to support women entrepreneurs and customers by offering specialized services that extend beyond traditional banking. Dr Divya acknowledged the Union Bank’s efforts and highlighted FLO Chennai’s long-standing commitment to empowering women. She emphasized the critical role partnerships play in driving women-centric initiatives and expressed FLO Chennai’s enthusiasm to collaborate with the Nari Shakti branch to conduct specialized training programs.
The collaboration underscores FLO Chennai’s and Union Bank’s shared vision of fostering an inclusive ecosystem that supports women’s growth and entrepreneurial success.