FLO Mumbai, under the leadership of Chairperson Ms. Aarmeen Mogul Dordi, organized an art display event titled, “The Woven Path” for members at Space18, an artistic studio owned by Ms. Saloni Doshi, past YFLO Chairperson FLO Mumbai.
Ms. Saloni Doshi’s passion for art started at the young age of 23, born in a culturally rich heritage family she was exposed to different saree weaves and fabrics that her mother and great-grandmother wore. She has preserved those weaves which are heirloom collections.
The sarees from different states depict the rich weave heritage that India should be proud of. The hand embroidery depictions of the Geeta and the Ramayana in the sarees hold India’s rich culture. Saloni has displayed these sarees which are over 150 years old at her studio and are a part of the Women Path exhibition. She has set up a foundation to support artists procuring funds so that they get a platform to display their works.
Ms. Saloni Doshi discussed how she reuses the old sarees that are in her possession to make artifacts, and decorative pieces so that the weave and embroidery are preserved. The Woven Path collection has artistic creations on fabric in many forms and each piece has a history attached to it.
Artists have used fabric and threads in different forms to portray history which form a part of the collection. Members experienced art in a different form a collection that is rare and networked with each other.