FLO Bangalore Chapter


The Social Media workshop held by FLO FICCI

The late 2000 has all been about Social Media. A simple social networking platform transmogrified itself into a potent marketing tool.

The Social Media workshop held by FLO FICCI Bangalore Chapter on 25 Jan 2013 at The Gateway Taj, was aimed at creating awareness on the following points:

How different is Social media from other media.

Social media – Content, technology or a strategy leading to a mandated outcome. The session was inaugurated by Ms Neelam Dhawan MD Hewlett Packard India who shared her views on Social media and made a compelling point about the power of Social media in our lives today.

The expectation from the social media session was to create awareness among entrepreneurs and professionals about their products , to acquire customers, to build a digital footprint, to build their brand and to engage their stakeholder community (customers, employees, investors, biz partners).

Social Media – An Introductory Session , was conducted by Prof Nandini Vaidyanathan an eminent personality in the field of Entrepreneurial Management and a FLO Bangalore member. The program was conducted for members and select delegates at The Gateway Taj and was very well received.

Feedback was very positive and some of the comments by the participants are noted below:

“It was a fantastic session. The various case studies really helped us in understanding the concepts better.” – Participant ”

Really nice. I came to know many new ideas through this.” – Participant

“Very relevant to the times. Always thought I will figure It out myself and never got around to doing it. Now I know why! This session gave me the right insights so I can move forward on my plan.”- Participant.