Talk by Ms. Kirron Kher on ‘Management by Women – We are Well Empowered’

FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO), Jaipur Chapter organised a session on ‘Management by Women – We are Well Empowered’ with well known actress and Member of Parliament, Ms. Kirron Kher. Women are empowered but still have a long way to go in terms of establishing their careers and also bringing about the right balance to take care of their homes.She began her talk appreciating women who were only homemakers. They too have a significant role to play since the smallest unit in our economy is one’s home.

Ms. Kher said that it is far more difficult and challenging for women to break the shackles and leave the home to make a place for themselves in the world. Women in this country are making a name for themselves despite ranking low in various parameters vis a vis other countries. In fact, women in India rank one of the lowest when it comes to health and survival. On this point she expressed her dismay that female feticides and infanticide were still so widely prevalent in our country.

The session followed a long question answer session and Ms. Kher answered the queries of the members. The Chairperson of FLO, Jaipur Chapter, Ms. Apra Kuchhal said that among the top 500 business persons only 5% were women. She urged the members to proactively go after their dreams.

Ms. Kirron Kher and Ms. Apra Kuchhal also launched the first newsletter of the tenure 2014-15 of FLO Jaipur Chapter. The event was very well attended by the members & is very well covered by the print and electronic media.
