FLO Chennai organized the She Rises Conclave 2024, under the guidance of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek, and was held at Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology. 630 people attended this event, 615 being students who celebrated innovation, empowerment, and entrepreneurship, bringing together industry leaders, budding entrepreneurs, and students.
The event was conceptualized and executed with the efforts of Startup Vertical Head Ms. Priya Goutham, Empowerment and Skilling Committee Member Ms. Apoorva Haree, Joint Treasurer Ms. Keerthana Chandrasekharan, Startup Committee Member Ms. Preethika Munoth, and Joint Treasurer Ms. Ruchita Saraogi, successfully created a platform for knowledge-sharing, networking, and recognizing innovative talent.
Dr. Thangam Meghnathan, Chairman of Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, extended a warm welcome to attendees, while Dr. G.S.K. Velu, Founder and Managing Director of Trivitron Group of Companies and Neuberg Diagnostics, highlighted advancements in healthcare innovations. Thiru. Sivarajah Ramanathan, Mission Director and CEO of Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Mission provided insights on the crucial role of startups in transforming Tamil Nadu’s entrepreneurial landscape.
The first panel, titled “Empowering Health,” was moderated by Dr. Apoorva Haree, and featured Dr. Adith Chinnaswami of MediSim VR, Dr. M.A. Maluk Mohamed of Twin Health Inc., and Ms. Sri Vidhya Bhavani of Destratum Solutions, who discussed HealthTech advancements.
The second panel, “Building Brands, Breaking Barriers: Scaling Startups for Sustainable Success,” was moderated by Ms. Priya Goutham, and showcased insights from panelists such as Ms. Kadambari Umapathy, Founder and CEO of WEDO Ventures International, Mr. Mohan K, Founder and CEO of IppoPay, and Mr. Jahabar Sadique, CEO of Chai Kings.
A key highlight was the student presentations under the “She Rises” initiative, where 6 finalists, selected from an initial pool of 18 pitches, showcased their innovative projects. The projects, evaluated by an esteemed panel of judges, demonstrated exceptional creativity and real-world impact, with three outstanding presentations receiving well-deserved accolades.
The She Rises Conclave 2024 concluded on a high note, leaving attendees inspired and setting the stage for continued collaboration and growth in fostering innovation and empowerment.