FLO Kanpur, under the leadership of Chairperson Nalini Sanwal, organized the installation of a sanitary napkin vending machine at DG Girls College under the project titled “Project Pankh- Installation of Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine”. This initiative under the National Initiative – FLO Rural Livelihood & Entrepreneurship, aims to promote menstrual health and hygiene among young girls and provide them with easy access to sanitary napkins, creating a healthier and more informed environment.
The event chairs Parul Rajoriya and Shikha Vaid coordinated the event and Dr. Anuradha Varshney provided guidance and support as the mentor, ensuring the initiative’s success. FLO member Mala Singh donated the sanitary napkin vending machine benefiting 1500 students by making essential menstrual hygiene products accessible.
Dr. Nandini Rastogi, President of IMA, was the chief guest of the event and delivered an insightful talk on menstrual health and hygiene, emphasizing the importance of breaking taboos and educating young girls about their health. Ananta Swaroop, Joint Secretary of DG College and member of FLO Kanpur graced the event with her presence and support as the Guest of Honor.
Chairperson Nalini Sanwal expressed her gratitude to everyone involved and encouraged continued efforts to address critical issues affecting women’s health and empowerment.