National Events

Array ( [post_type] => events [post_status] => publish [posts_per_page] => 10 [meta_key] => wpcf-start-date-for-query [orderby] => meta_value_num date [order] => DESC [post__not_in] => [tax_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => chapter-events [field] => slug [terms] => Array ( [0] => delhi-head-office ) [operator] => IN ) ) [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND ) [paged] => 48 )

Interstate Meet at Kolkata and Trip to Myanmar January 15th – 21st, 2011

The Interstate Meet at Kolkata was a great success. Sixty delegates from all over India attended the Meet. The Interstate provided opportunity to members to network and exchange ideas and... 

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International Women’s Day With a Panel Discussion on “Women – The Power House of the 21st Century – A Reality Check” March 8th, 2011

FICCI Ladies Organisation in collaboration with GIWC celebrated the International women's day with an interactive session with women ambassadors from 6 countries. The Chief Guest and chair was Padma Vibhushan... 

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27th Annual Session: Honoring Women Philanthropists “Business of Sharing” April 23rd, 2011

The 27th Annual Session of FLO was held on April 23, 2011 at The Taj Mahal Hotel, Man Singh Road New Delhi. Hon’ble Chief Minister Smt. Shiela Dikshit was the Chief... 

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Mission to Support NAB (National Association for the Blind) May 10th, 2011

Neena Malhotra began her tenure as President of FLO with the noble cause of working towards upliftment of the visually impaired.  FLO collaborated with National Association for the Blind (NAB)... 

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Interactive Session with Dr (Mrs) Kiran Bedi on The Movement Against Corruption May 24th, 2011

The recent times have been witness to allegations of large scale corruption cases such as the 2G spectrum allotments, the Common Wealth Games (CWG) scam, the Adarsh Building Society scam, etc.... 

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8th China South-Asia Business Forum (CSABF) and 1st CSABF Meeting on Women Entrepreneurs Cooperation

The 8th China-South Asia Business Forum (CSABF) took place in Kunming, capital of southwest Yunnan Province of China from June 5-8, 2013. The theme of CSABF was, "Regional Cooperation for... 

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