FLO Chennai Chapter


Launch of Lords of Earth and Sea – A Journey into the Chola Empire

FLO Chennai, led by Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek, 8 members from the chapter, and a total of 45 people attended the book launch of “Lords of Earth and Sea” by Mr. Anirudh Kanisetti. Organized by Prakriti Foundation in collaboration with Alliance Française of Madras and FLO Chennai. The session featured an engaging illustrative lecture by the author, followed by an insightful conversation with Prof. Venkatachalapathy from the Madras Institute of Development Studies.

The book explores the legacy of the Chola Empire, tracing its rise to power, military conquests, and extensive trade networks that extended across Southeast Asia. Kanisetti delves into the political strategies of the Cholas, their naval dominance, and their profound influence on art, architecture, and administration. The discussion at the event highlighted how the Cholas shaped South India’s history through their governance, temple-building, and cultural patronage.

The conversation between the author and Prof. Venkatachalapathy further examined the empire’s economic strength, the role of women in Chola society, and the significance of maritime trade in establishing Cholas as a global power. Kanisetti also shed light on the challenges in reconstructing history and the need to reassess traditional narratives through fresh perspectives.
