FLO Jaipur, under the leadership of Chairperson Ms. Raghushree Poddar, celebrated a historic achievement by completing its ambitious target of planting 1,111 trees, on September 18, 2024, at Government Senior Secondary School, Amer Rd, Jaipur. The milestone was marked by a plantation drive at Government Senior Secondary School, Amer Rd, Jaipur, emphasizing environmental sustainability and community development.
Key Highlights:
– Tree Plantation: 200 trees were planted, culminating in the chapter’s target of 1,111 trees.
– Stationery Distribution: 100 students received stationery boxes, supported by Ms. Shalini Setia and Dr. Jaspreet Thakkar, reinforcing FLO’s educational initiatives.
The event saw enthusiastic participation from FLO members, the Executive Committee, and school staff. Collaborations with Ms. Shalini Setia and Dr. Jaspreet Thakkar were instrumental in its success, alongside the school administration’s support in facilitating the event and student engagement.
The plantation drive not only beautified the school grounds but also educated students about the importance of environmental responsibility. With this landmark achievement, FLO Jaipur reaffirms its commitment to impactful initiatives that merge sustainability with community welfare.