FLO Chennai, under the leadership of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek and the Vocational Training Centre (VTC), guided by its Chairperson Ms. Nabila Avais, organized an awareness program on “Green Menstruation for a Confident Girl Child & Sustainable Future”, at the Vocational Training Centre in T. Nagar, Chennai. The event was attended by 163 senior schoolgirls from standards 8 to 12.
The chief speaker for the session was Ms. Neelam Bharat Sarda, a renowned sustainable and green menstruation educator and the founder of Pride Menstrual Cups. She began by shedding light on the harmful environmental impact of conventional menstrual products such as sanitary pads and tampons, which contribute significantly to non-biodegradable waste and pollution. Highlighting the need for change, she introduced menstrual cups as a sustainable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative.
Ms. Sarda elaborated on the usage and benefits of menstrual cups, emphasizing their safety, reusability, and affordability, making them a practical choice for women and girls. She also touched upon the challenges of breaking societal taboos surrounding menstruation and encouraged open conversations to create a more inclusive and empowering environment for young girls.
Past Chairperson of FLO Chennai, Ms. Parveen Papa, also joined the event whose inspiring leadership continues to have a profound impact on the community. The program concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where participants actively engaged with the speaker to clarify their doubts about menstrual cups and green menstruation.