FLO Chennai organized a two-day health checkup camp on 9th and 10th January 2019 at Presidency Girls Higher Secondary School for all the students and also students from 5 other government schools close by.
Doctors from HUMA Hospital and MERF have done ENT & Lung medical checkup for all the students and gave them medicines too. They have examined 767 children (381 students on 9th January 2019 and 386 students on 10th January 2019) in these 2 days from 6 schools.
Audiometry was done for 5 students. The children who needed follow up have been advised accordingly and have intimated to their respective class teachers too.
This camp was inaugurated by Ms.Anupama Shivaraman, Chairperson and Ms.Indira M Kameswaran, Health Project Head and sponsored by BGR Energy.