FLO Chennai, under the leadership of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek and Vocational Training Centre (VTC) Chairperson Ms. Nabila Avais, organized a workshop titled “Growth Mindset & Overall Holistic Development” at the VTC premises in T. Nagar. The session was conducted by Ms. Hajira, a psychologist and Assistant Professor at CTTE College, and was attended by 136 senior girls from standards 9 to 12 and NIOS students.
The workshop focused on equipping the participants with essential tools to foster a growth mindset, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and self-confidence. Ms. Hajira covered topics such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and techniques for overcoming challenges in academic and personal life. The session also highlighted strategies for time management, goal setting, and creating a balanced approach to studies and extracurricular activities.
The workshop also delved into mindfulness practices, encouraging participants to cultivate mental clarity and focus. Through interactive discussions and activities, the students were guided on how to replace limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts, paving the way for a positive and resilient outlook.