FLO Kolkata Chapter


Flickering Angels”- movie screening followed by a panel discussion

On 17th Dec 2016, FLO Kolkata hosted a rather unique and heartwarming event about the children of prison inmates and convicts, and created awareness on the work that goes into giving them a secure and protected environment. The event brought light to the aftermath of these children after losing one or both their parents at such a vulnerable age, and the work that goes in for providing them a life of stability and positivity. A documentary featuring a small ratio of these children, named “Flickering Angels” was screened to show the audience how life goes on for these children in the welfare homes.

The second half of the event comprised of a panel discussion, followed by Q and A session. The panel discussion was headed by the chairperson Mrs. Anupama Sureka, sister Marietta, Mr. B.D. Sharma, Mr. Asok Ganguly, Dr. Sabyasachi Mitra, the director Mr. Subhrajit Mitra and the producer, Mr. Gaurang Jalan.
The crowd comprised of a mixed variety of older and younger generation. The Q and A session was interactive, with students offering their perspectives on ways to reprimand these issues. Other topics discussed were how the children can get more support and motivation, by encouraging the citizens of the society to take an active part of contributing to the welfare homes
