FLO Jaipur Chapter


EAT. DELETE by POOJA MAKHIJA in conversation with Gul Panag

“Health is the greatest of all possessions, A pale cobbler is better than a sick King.”

quoted Chairperson Ms. Minal Jain, welcoming everyone for the session on Health & Nutrition titled EAT.DELETE. A subject, we consciously address umpteen times aday, all throughout our healthy life span and yet very few of us can figure out answers which suit our body & mind type. A subject as elusive as the perfect diet, leading to a perfect body shape, a specialty field, which has, probably the maximum number of myths &theories being busted every now &then.

We had with us one of India’s leading authority on Nutrition, POOJA MAKHIJA & Gul Panag.

It was a calorific experience for all of us. We will soon be starting B 2 B sessions where members of the same industry, professions, can meet up, share ideas and create mutually beneficial business associations. She said, “Believe me, the toughest part of a diet programme is not watching what you eat but it’s watching what other people eat”. Let’s Make our today so awesome, that yesterday gets jealous!

Some takeaways from the session:

As a parent, you must walk the talk and set the right example of eating to your kids.Muscle building is like brick building – protein is the cement the muscle needs in order to hold it together.

Muscle training which should be done at least 2-3 times a week to maintain a healthy body and posture

Body is our temple; it should be given love, respect, good excuse and good sleep. Don’t abuse it because the tongue demands it.

Right food at the right time is what matters..if we have health we have wealth

Working out cannot absolve us of the sins of eating out

Food should be seen as nutrition … not as calories. We disconnect with the real reason of eating food. We all want quick fix and are ready to take all risks in the world to the extent of going for cotton ball or tapeworm diet also. Digestion is also a calorie burning process. So if u eat right, you DELETE it.

We must understand what the fuel that goes well is and we need to aware of the capacity of our fuel tanks.

BMR or the basic metabolic rate depends on age,weight, gender and percentage of fat in our bodies. The more the fat; lower the BMR and more the muscle; higher the BMR so our muscles should not lax, they should be toned well. This helps in maintaining good posture and relieving the bone pains.

If our relationship with food is complicated our relationship with weight loss will be complicated too; Losing weight is not about dieting it’s about making permanent changes to your eating habits

Quality of food matters…not quantity.90 calories in an apple is digested by burning 120 calories; 30is taken from the stored fat.

In the process of evolution the body has stopped making vitamin d and due to layer of pollution we don’t receive the required amount of vitamin D. Our body is magnificent and one voluntary thing that you do, the intake of food. We can’t control the air, lets control the food we eat. Eat right and you will the boss of your body.

Sugar is carcinogenic. It accelerates aging and tooth decay. Sugar activates the same receptors as morphine activates. We can go horribly wrong with our diet in quest to lose weight. Quality of food is what matters and not quantity

Reward as food is the unhealthiest thing that you can give to yourself.

Lot of people have the misconception that they can eat what they want to as long as they are working out. But it doesn’t work this way because we eat more than what we have burned

Women need to identify why they are feeling low. They feel depressed because of hormonal changes & need to add more protein to your diet.

Also, we launched the WE in Beauty Skilling where members contributed to the cause.