FLO organised an exclusive interaction with Sunil Grover, actor and comedian at FICCI on January 21, 2020. Acclaimed for playing Dr Mashoor Gulati , Gutthi and Rinku Devi at The Kapil Sharma Show, Sunil is a famous comedian and a favourite of millions across the world for his witty sense of humour.
Sharing his successful journey, Sunil Grover said, I am lucky to be doing what I love and being paid for it. And I love to do characters, be it a male or female, that’s immaterial.
Sunil said he was delighted to be called out for the event and thanked FLO President, Harjinder Kaur. The auditorium was filled with women members of all age and they were all seen laughing their lungs out on Sunil Grover’s jokes. While interacting With the members, he commented, “I feel I am 50 percent of you” and the hall burst out laughing. It was indeed a unique evening at FLO.
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