FLO Chennai, under the leadership of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek, has entered into a collaboration with the Tamil Nadu government to set up crèche facilities across 17 SIPCOT industrial parks. This initiative seeks to alleviate parental stress, particularly for working mothers, while promoting increased participation of women in the workforce. The initiative is expected to benefit nearly 3,23,000 female employees.
The crèches will adhere to the national guidelines of the Maternity Benefit Act, of 2017, focusing on early childhood learning and development. This effort builds on the success of 63 existing crèches in 13 industrial parks, which have already positively impacted approximately 1.5 lakh employees. The new crèches will continue to foster an environment conducive to the well-being and growth of children, thereby supporting women’s work-life balance.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between SIPCOT’s Managing Director, Dr. K. Senthil Raj, and FLO Chennai Chairperson, Dr. Divya Abhishek, marking the formalization of this collaboration. The signing ceremony was graced by the presence of the Hon’ble Minister for Industries, Dr. T.R.B. Rajaa, who lauded the initiative as a transformative step towards promoting gender equality and enhancing the well-being of women workers. The event was also attended by Thiru. V. Arun Roy, IAS, Secretary to Government, Industries Department; Tmt. D. Sneha, IAS, Executive Director of SIPCOT; and other SIPCOT officials.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Rajaa emphasized the multifaceted benefits of the initiative, stating that it would not only improve work-life balance for working mothers but also contribute to the state’s economic productivity by encouraging higher female workforce participation.
This partnership, guided by FLO Past Presidents Ms. Sudha Shivkumar and Ms. Kavitha Dutt, supports education-based childcare within the care economy, addressing significant barriers to women’s workforce participation.
By ensuring access to quality childcare, this initiative paves the way for a more inclusive and productive workforce, benefiting both women and the broader community.