FICCI FLO, Bhubaneswar organized an exclusive event titled & “BIZDEV”: Exploring the collection of INNAYA JEWELS Conversations with Komal Khandelwal under the National Initiative – FLO Business Exchange Initiative Our esteemed Chairperson, Rashmi Sahoo, shared an inspiring message that underscored our commitment to fostering creativity, trust, and collaboration within our community. The BIZDEV initiative truly embodies our mission to empower our members’ businesses through events like this exhibition.
The standout feature of the show, the stunning jewellery of Innaya Jewels by Komal Khandelwal. They were entrusted with the monumental task of crafting an astonishing piece of gold and diamond jewellery. What made their contribution even more special was its designs and styles. Together, we create new opportunities, share invaluable experiences, and propel each other to greater heights of success.