FLO North East Guwahati Chapter


How to be Safety-Smart……….A Self-Defence Demonstration

A special demonstration of self-defence techniques to prevent violent attacks, was arranged by Flo NE, at the Army Public School , Narangi . How to be Safety-Smart……….A Self-Defence Demonstration by Martial Arts Dozang Dispur (MADD) , on the 23rd of July. It was attended by 1000 students.

In an interesting lecture-demonstration, Mr Rishikesh Gogoi, a researcher in Martial Arts Studies,and Strategic Issues explained the psychology of the perpetrators of violence , that sees the victim as a resource and attacks.

The main self-defence tactic, according to Mr Rishikesh , is the mind. ‘Freeze”, “Flight” Or “Fight” are the three normal responses when someone is attacked. Instead, one has to react instantly and escape the attack even if it means clawing the attacker with nails, car keys, pen, anything handy. This gives the victim precious seconds to run (flight). Along with 6 of his students, he demonstrated some very effective techniques that any normal person (not usually trained in martial arts ) can use and the vulnerable points of an attacker that should be targeted, like the neck, the elbow nerve , upper thigh, wrist, fingers (his advice …break them ).

Mrs Prabha Dastidhar gave a welcome speech, while FLO Ne Chairperson Smita Agarwal explained that the focus of FLO is on the economic empowerment of women.
