Under the leadership of Chairperson Priya Gazdar and headed by Sarita Rao, the FLO Hyderabad chapter organized a program under the Education & Skilling Initiative titled, “The Art and Science of Public Speaking” at the Government Degree College, and Indira Priyadarshini Government Degree College for Women. The event aimed to help participants understand the importance of public speaking and learn effective techniques to improve their communication skills and about 400 female students attended the program.
Miss Sharmili Chadha, a renowned Life Transformation Coach, and Miss Pooja Sharma, who shared their expertise in public speaking, conducted the session, sharing valuable tips and strategies to help individuals overcome their fears and become confident speakers.
One of the program’s highlights was that the speakers explained the role of public speaking in both personal and professional success. Key strategies such as body language, voice modulation, and audience engagement were also demonstrated. The audience learned ways to manage nervousness and build confidence when speaking in public. The participants were encouraged to practice speaking, ask questions, and share their experiences.
The program on “The Art and Science of Public Speaking” was highly informative and beneficial. It helped participants better understand public speaking and inspired them to improve their communication skills. EduSkill Head Sarita Rao and College Incharge Prasanna also participated in the session. The session concluded with a certificate distribution for the Tally Pro Course at Indira Priyadarshini Government Degree College for Women.