FLO Chennai, in collaboration with CanCare Foundation, organized a Cancer Screening Camp at Karlapakkam Village, near Thirunindravur in Thiruvallur District. Under the leadership of Chairperson Dr. Divya Abhishek and Past Chairperson Dr. Akhila Srinivasan, approximately 74 women from the local community attended the event.
The initiative aimed to raise awareness about cancer prevention and the importance of early detection while providing free screening services to the underserved rural population. With the support of expert medical professionals, 74 participants underwent comprehensive screenings, received consultations, and were educated on recognizing early warning signs of cancer. The camp not only provided essential healthcare services but also fostered a sense of empowerment among the attendees.
This impactful event highlighted FLO Chennai’s commitment to community well-being and healthcare outreach. The leadership of Dr. Divya Abhishek and Dr. Akhila Srinivasan played a crucial role in ensuring the camp’s success, showcasing FLO Chennai’s dedication to addressing health challenges and promoting preventive care in rural areas.
Impacted: 74 women