FLO Bhubaneswar organised an event titled “BIZDEV: AshtaSiddhi Jewels by Sumisha Mehra,” on October 28th, 2024, aimed to foster entrepreneurship and promote exclusive collections. It showcased beautifully crafted designer jewellery in gold, silver, and diamonds. The program was hosted by a prominent entrepreneur named Sumisha Mehra under the National Initiative – FLO BUSINESS EXCHANGE.
The event featured a curated display of exquisite pieces, highlighting the craftsmanship and artistry of the designers involved. Attendees included industry professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, and jewellery aficionados, all eager to explore the latest trends and innovations in the market.
AshtaSiddhi Jewels, known for their dedication to quality and elegance, also specialises in corporate gifting, offering customized designs tailored to client needs. Their unique collection and attention to detail make them a top choice for personalised luxury.
Through engaging discussions and presentations, “BIZDEV: AshtaSiddhi Jewels by Sumisha Mehra” successfully promoted business growth and encouraged the development of a vibrant community in the jewellery sector. The event emphasised the importance of creativity and collaboration in driving entrepreneurship forward.
Through these events, FLO continues to align its mission of societal development with economic empowerment, focusing on sustainable entrepreneurship and the preservation of cultural heritage.
No. Of. FLO Members Attended: 30
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