FLO Hyderabad Chapter


Flo’w mindfully

FLO Hyderabad conducted an hour-long virtual session with renowned Yoga trainer Ms. Malathy Chandrasekhar. Chairperson Priya Gazdar started the session by explaining the importance of Yoga.

The types of Yoga styles practiced during the session included:

Hatha Yoga : In a Hatha class, each posture is held for a few breaths. This gives practitioners time to adjust their alignment and become comfortable in the position.

Vinyasa Yoga: Often called a “flow” class because of the continuous movement from one pose to the next, each pose is linked to the next with the breath.

Yin Yoga : A slow-paced style of Yoga incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Asanas are held for longer periods, typically anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes.

Yoga Nidra: Also known as yogic sleep, this practice induces a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, typically through guided meditation. The practice draws attention inward, balances the breath, quiets the mind, and leads to a state of deep, blissful awareness.

Over 40 FLO members attended the session.

For Outreach:
FLO Hyderabad tied up with Isha Foundation and conducted a Yoga sessions spread over half day for school students of TCHS, Champapet focusing on pranayama, asanas and the values of Yoga. The session emphasized the importance of Yoga in promoting physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Through practical demonstrations and insightful discussions, students learned how pranayama can enhance their concentration, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. The session highlighted Yoga’s role in fostering discipline, self-awareness, and holistic development, encouraging students to integrate these practices into their daily lives.

Over 500 students of TCHS, Champapet benefitted from the session.