FLO Kolkata Chapter



Did you click that link? Speaking at a FLO Kolkata Empowerment series event, international cyber security expert, Mr. Amit Dubey, ensured that FLO Kolkata members are informed of cyber risks and remain well protected.

Amit Dubey is a renowned security expert and crime investigator on cyber forensics and ethical hacking. He is regularly invited to educate and train members of Parliament, investigative agencies, and police departments on cyber crime. On March 14th, he shared his expertise with the women of FLO Kolkata, showing them how to navigate the internet safely, protect their devices and themselves from hacking, and prevent fraud.

As he noted in his opening remarks, his main objective was to strengthen us with the knowledge. Each woman walked away from the talk empowered with a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities in navigating the digital world.
