FLO Jaipur Chapter


Leadership & Peer Pressures

‘Some Leaders are born Women‘the only community not having any peer pressure are Monks- quoted Ms. Minal Jain.

This event was to tackle & understand a relationship between one of the most important & one much underrated subject ‘Leadership & Peer Pressures. We welcomed Mr. Ashish Vidyarthi , our Avid Miner for a pathway conversation.

This session brings us a step ahead in our quest to further unravel our motto of the year ‘Unlimited You quote Ashish , surely is taking us on a journey of reference points in our daily lives, where we can all relate the said subject with our experiences & perceptions.

There is a myth; It says ‘Women will not play Football as 11 of them will not wear the same outfit in public.
Furthermore your chapter organized a successful Cervical Cancer Awareness camp at Village GudaMansingh, I urge with utmost humility, to all our members to come forward and support this cause; the cost of each vaccine is 5,000/- in three doses.

Friends, we are sure you are following Ficci Flo on Social Media including Twitter & Instagram. Follow us @ FICCI FLO JAIPUR.

To conclude, Chairperson quoted, “I wish to live in a world where people come with on – off switches. Let’s not take life, too seriously. We will never get out of it alive. If life gives us lemons, make lemonade … And always try to find somebody whose life has given them music, and have a party”

Some worth noting points for those who missed the session:

1. ONE – We are ONE of a kind. We are UNIQUE. We must not try to be like others. We just have one life, the one chance, the one opportunity we have to live this one life.

2. THE GIFT! THE INSPIRATION! – We are gifts. The unique ME. It all lies within us; we can source it ourselves we can discover it ourselves but we get so lost in our own roles that we don’t realize that contentment; happiness; satisfaction and love is right here. By realizing that we are gifted creations, we can gift ourselves to the world to become peer inspiring leaders.

3. MAA KI BETI – We must acknowledge our mothers who have delivered this UNIQUE gift – ME. Since there is no advert of how important our mother is, we take things for granted.

4. RECOGNISING THE GIFT – Each one of us should recognize the gift of MY LIFE & given to us by our mothers.

5. THE GIFT OF THE UNIQUE ME – We are all UNIQUE and we must understand and recognize this. We must never try to BE like others. We must set examples for others. We must be OURSELVES – We must be UNIQUE.

6. ONE LIFE-MANY ROLES: Each one of us live through many roles in our lives – we are daughters, mothers, sisters, wives, daughter in laws, business women, socialites, etc. We are under this constant stress of living all roles….. but life is only ONE.

7. JUGGLING ROLES – We play a lot of roles in our lives but saying that we are Juggling Roles or Multitasking is a myth. We are in ONE role that we are playing at ONE point of time. Suppose when I am lifting a glass, I am just lifting a glass at that point. I am not multitasking & the role we are doing at that moment is the most important role.

8. MANAGING WORLDS – We are not Multi -Tasking or juggling roles, rather we should say that we are MANAGING WORLDS which is a much more powerful word. I AM MANAGING WORLDS. It requires a lot of hunger. In other words we are managing humans.

9. LIVING ROLES UNIQUELY – The best way to live life is to live our Roles Uniquely. We can never be in two roles simultaneously and we must accept that fact rather that lamenting about it. Give the Fullest to the role you are in. You are not living life like any other person and if you are doing this you will fail amazingly.

10. MY HOME LIFE: MY WORK LIFE – keep these two roles separate. This way both lives will be happy and satisfied.

11. MANY FACETS – Our lives have many roles – many facets. More the facets, shinier the DIAMOND. Similarly more the roles, the more we will shine. The facets make our life exciting.

12. I THE DIAMOND – One must be multi- faceted like a diamond… multi faceted people are much more interesting and it is in our hands to add more facets to ourselves to turn ourselves from carbon to multi faceted shining diamonds. He made the audience realize and reiterated – “I
THE DIAMOND”. & SHINE DIAMOND SHINE this is a message you gift it to yourself.

13. RESPECTING ME, COMMUNICATING WITH ME, COMMUNICATE WITH THE WORLD – do u respect yourself or not? Do you communicate with yourself? What happens when someone comes to your house and you don’t talk to them? Same thing applies to us. We should take out time for ourselves, communicate with ourselves and then with a clear mind and answers we should COMMUNICATE with the world!

14. LIVING FULLY is your Right not your duty. That’s when you are GIFTING yourself to the world. Cherish it and be happy about it.

15. THE WONDERFUL GIFT OF PEER INSPIRE – Realize that you can give a wonderful gift of PEER INSPIRE. You don’t acknowledge the fact that you can inspire others because if you do so you will have more responsibility; you will have to go out there and perform and come out of your comfort zone. Rather, you are comfortable complaining. You are scared that you have to deliver. We should not look for examples around us, we should be examples ourselves.

16. PEER PRESSURE – You will be surprised to know that a person like a driver can subject you to peer pressure, by saying “Saab, XYZ saab just bought a Mercedes” and you start thinking.

17. USNE KHAREEDA – MEIN BHI KHAREEDOONGA – why can’t we just stop at Usne Khareeda. Why do we have to wonder – Mein bhi Khareedoonga. His name is XYZ…. Yours is not. We don’t have to be like him.

18. LOG KYA KAHENGE – “What people will say??” is a myth. Never compare yourself to others. It’s great if people think and talk about us. What’s the problem? We are worth being talked about and that’s why we are being talked about.

19. THE CANCER OF GOSSIP – It is incurable, it poisons your mind. It’s heavy and it’s like bitterness. Stay away from it. It’s a waste of time. It generates Distrust and will take place only if you do not respect time.


21. Enjoy the GIFT OF LIVING INSPIRED life. The JOYS OF INSPIRING CONVERSATIONS and not engaging in conspiracies. Please Realize – People are looking at you; judging your roles; you must inspire them Out of their Socks.

22. INVITE PEOPLE TO BE – by BEING yourself!! When you invite people to be that is when you CELEBRATE OTHERS and that’s when you can bring out the best in YOU & ME!!! Collaboration of strengths amplifies life. We should be a SATSANG OF THE INSPIRED!

23. WALK THE TALK: I AM WHAT I TALK. We must set examples for others by doing what we expect them to do. People are looking at you and judging you – Let them. It’s good for you.

24. Each day I should make a difference, and I should be a continuous Learner. To be a Peer inspiring leader, be a continuous learner

25. EACH ROLE IS A SPARKLING DIAMOND, “SHINE DIAMOND SHINE”, DAZZLE TOGETHER – Unless you don’t shine for yourself you don’t dazzle together. Don’t give up, keep running. Make sure the music keeps going … Itti si Hansi .. Itti si Khushi….

He ended the session by saying “DEAR DAUGHTER OF AN AMAZING MOTHER – you are precious and your life matters. LIVE LIFE, BE A LEADER, INSPIRE.” The Song must go on……

The session on Leadership and Peer Pressure by Ashish Vidyarthi was simply very inspiring. It motivated many of us to stop complaining about our lives with many roles and take lead of situations around us by managing our Worlds!!

The session ended with a standing ovation by the audience for the speaker.